An Open Letter on Compassion to my Clients
Think of a little puppy, do they have to earn their food, water, affection, sleep, or any other need? It would be silly to say the puppy has to do something just right before they could have those needs met, but yet you as a human being often put expectations on yourself and feel you have to earn your own love. Please, even if it feels uncomfortable or wrong, try treating yourself with love especially on the hard days. I guarantee that you won't regret taking some steps to meet your needs.
Dear clients,
Your perseverance, grit, passion, sense of humor, dedication, love, hope, and courage constantly amazes me. I look forward to working with you and often think of you between sessions. Thank you for sharing your experiences with me and letting me be a part of your journey. I am honored by your trust, vulnerability, and the courage and determination you show both during and outside of therapy.
My heart breaks for the struggles you have had to endure and continue to go through and I feel so much joy over your wins no matter how big or small. I know how hard the work can be and that some days are so discouraging, depressing, and attack your self confidence. I understand how scary and stressful it is to continue to show up and do the work and I am so proud of you when you do. I also understand when you don't. When for a season the fear, discouragement, and self doubts win. I hope you know that you can always come back and resume the work whenever you are ready. I'm not disappointed in you, I understand where you are coming from and you always have the chance to do the work to heal and move towards the life that you want to have. There's always hope and ways we can move forward. I wish even for a second you could see how much you have accomplished, how capable you are, and how much you matter to so many people.
On your hard days, please give yourself a break. Practice noticing what your wants and needs are and meeting them regardless of if it feels like you've earned it or not. Think of a little puppy, do they have to earn their food, water, affection, sleep, or any other need? It would be silly to say the puppy has to do something just right before they could have those needs met, but yet you as a human being often put expectations on yourself and feel you have to earn your own love. Please, even if it feels uncomfortable or wrong, try treating yourself with love especially on the hard days. I guarantee that you won't regret taking some steps to meet your needs. On your good days focus on what has helped you get where you are and plan for how you can better address struggles that may come up. Please, celebrate your wins. I know how scary it can be to feel happy, because it can be taken away at anytime, but please try to give yourself permission to feel it.
Once you are my client, you are always my client. It doesn't matter how long it has been since we've met, if you or a loved one need help please reach out. I'd love to assist you whether it's meeting for session, helping you with referrals to other services, finding resources, hearing updates on your life, or anything else mental health related. I am cheering for you always and think of you fondly. Please be a little kinder to yourself today and remember that thoughts are just thoughts and just because you think it doesn't mean it's true. I am here when you need me.
Your Therapist